Newsflash: Life should be touched, not strangled!

" Life should be touched, not strangled. You've got to relax, let it happen at times, and at others move forward with it." 
- Ray Bradbury


Something to Read


How about radically downgrading your self-improvement goals? ​​​​​​​

I know it’s not January but so much of this still resonates (and makes me laugh) - the anti-resolution is more prevalent than ever.


Something to Watch


Wellbeing isn't just about physical or mental health; a hugely neglected part of wellbeing is often our social health.

In this talk, Professor Robert Waldinger explores the largest research study on happiness ever undertaken and gives his insights into what it takes to live the good life. 

Watch here


Something to Do


Give your relationships a boost

This quick video helps summarise the above research into actionable ways to boost your relationships today.

Published on 11th Apr 2023 at 12:00 by Dr. Heather McKee

Book my free implementation clinic

Looking to learn more about how to improve engagement and outcomes in your digital app or product?

Once a month I offer a small number of free 30-min implementation clinics to help selected organizations by providing behavioural insights/tackling engagement issues with their products/services. Places for these clinics are strictly limited if you want a slot you can apply here


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Copyright ©2025 Dr. Heather McKee

Dr. Heather McKee is registered in Ireland Reg. No. 687397 with the registered address at 314 Mother Teresa House, Loreto Abby, Rathfarnham, D14 NR20, Co. Dublin, Ireland

This work is in no way meant to replace any medical advice. Dr. McKee is Non-HCPC-registered. Photography by Dylan Madden.

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